All Courses


Setting the Standards: Module 1

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 1: Life Care Planning and the Future includes the following sections: The Nursing Process in Life Care Planning, Empowering Nurses, Tools for Life Care Planning, The Nursing Diagnosis, The Life Care Planning Process and more.


Setting the Standards: Module 2

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 2: Spinal Cord Injuries includes the following sections: Anatomy & Complications, Sexuality & Bladder Issues, Home and Van Modifications, Equipment Issues, and Constructing the Life Care Plan.


Setting the Standards: Module 3

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 3: Traumatic Brain Injury includes the following sections: Overview of TBI, Complications, The Neuropsychological Evaluation in Life Care Planning, Facility Review, Options for Treatment<, Learn how to Critique a Plan for the Defense.


Setting the Standards: Module 4

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 4: Burns & Management includes the following sections:
Overview of the Burn Life Care Plan, Amputations, Prosthesis Cost & Management, Important Components in the Life Care Plan, Writing the Life Care Plan.


Setting the Standards: Module 5

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 5: Cerebral Palsy includes the following sections: Etiology & Management, Treatment & Therapies, Equipment Issues, Life Care Planning Process and more.


Setting the Standards: Module 6

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 6: Chronic Pain in Life Care Planning includes the following sections: Chronic Pain Principles, Overview of the Chronic Pain Life Care Plan, Steps to Success in Developing your Life Care Plan, Obtaining Costs for Services and more.


Setting the Standards: Module 7

Setting the Standards in Life Care Planning© - Module 7: The Law & Life Care Planning includes the following sections: Legal Terminology, Working for the Plaintiff and the Defense, Overview of Depositions and Trial, Common Trial and Deposition Questions, Qualifications Sought by Attorneys, Tips for Getting Your First Life Care Plan and more.


Executive Forum

This Forum is established as Chapter Meetings for New and Experienced Nurse Life Care Planners. Join in on the weekend sessions to assist with marketing, business structures, formats, and testimony skills.
This is an empowering weekend session that addresses the skills you need in your everyday practice. Every Nurse participates in the brainstorming sessions to share, learn, and empower your practice.